Blitz Games

Here are some more Blitz games for you!

These two games are both games where I score wins with the Traxler Counter Gambit. I have done a few posts on the Traxler Counter Gambit and find it a really fun one to use in Blitz as it can often catch people by surprise. It is clearly just a Blitz opening though as it is very aggressive and with correct play white can avoid the attacks and steer the game into different variations that are more favourable.
The following games both show one of the key ideas in the Traxler Counter Gambit being the push of the d5 pawn on the 7th move. A while back I was researching the opening and this was one of the key ideas to maintain the attack and was present in most of the winning games I studied. The move opens the lines for the light squared Bishop as well as setting a simple trap. If 8.Bxd5 then 8…Bg4 wins the Queen so therefore 8.exd5 is the best move for white.

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