
Christmas Blitz 2022

This year I played at my local club’s Christmas Blitz event.

It was a nine round event and I managed to tie for first with a score of 7/9.

It was a fun tournament. My goal was to increase the speed at which I was playing (compared to the last blitz event I played in, where I lost a number of games on time). I was very happy with how I did just that. My local club like to host 5+0 blitz tournaments, so managing time is essential.

I was the fifth seed and managed to get a few nice wins with my losses being against higher rated opponents.

Below is one of the games that I was able to remember. In this particular game I had the very simple idea of isolating Black’s d pawn and winning it. I took my time, mounted up the pressure and eventually my opponent cracked, leading to a win.

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Week One

I enjoy changing it up and doing things in new ways. This year I am going to keep track of my progress weekly rather than daily. Each week I will post various things I did / learnt during my study. I will also share my annotated games.

Study Moments I spent a bit of time working on openings this week (something I don’t often do). I have been creating a “Study” using Lichess with a focus on Caro-Kann lines. I am still far from having a clear understanding of the opening and that is okay. Actually that is part of the enjoyment, as I feel like I am learning many new ideas. Putting those ideas into practice is the tricky part.



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Day 97

Rating 1804

Puzzle Rush Score 39 (I actually did a Lichess Puzzle Streak)

Daily Study Today I played one blitz game to get me back into the 1800s. I have annotated the game and you can check it out below.


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Day 80

Rating 1833

Puzzle Rush Score 39

Daily Study Today I played four blitz games. I had a nice win against the Scandinavian Defense (game below). I also did a bit of opening preparation as I was interested in looking into a few lines.

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