Bobby Fischer

Day 56

Rating 1828

Puzzle Rush Score 40

Daily Learning I haven’t been working through any game collection books, so today I busted out My 60 Memorable Games to revisit the wonderful chess of Bobby Fischer. I went through one game today and I will try and go through a game each day or so. Two things stuck out from the game. 1. The line “Tactics flow from a superior position” and 2. Just the fact that the King’s Indian structure is a potential choice against some Sicilian lines. Also how nice is the move 18.Nxh7


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Searching for Bobby Fischer

This afternoon I watched a great chess film that I haven’t seen for a long time.

Over Christmas I was given a free subscription to films from Quick Flix, a company that sends out films in the post. They have a large list of films you can borrow and this was one of them. I am really glad they had it as it is not the easiest film to find any more.








The story portrays Joshua Waitzkin as he grows and develops his chess skills at a young age. The film is a really interesting one that gives a very honest portrayal of the life of a young rising chess star.

The links with Bobby Fischer work really well. The chess strategies and ideas that are presented throughout the film are great and show various important aspects of the game. It is a great family film and my favourite chess film (to be fair I haven’t seen that many and I don’t think that there are many chess films) and I highly recommend you watch it!


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The Bookshelf – My 60 Memorable Games

Every chess player enjoys reading a good chess book! 
The first book that I am adding to The Bookshelf is My 60 Memorable Games.
This book is a great collection of games played by Bobby Fischer with wonderful annotations of his thoughts and a strong analysis of the moves he played.
Firstly… I love this book! This is a book where you will need your chess set. But the important part is, you will want your chess set out to see the great things this book has to offer and you wont want to put it away.


I have made my way through all the games and have found it to be really helpful in getting my brain back into “chess mode” after not playing much chess at all. It gives great insights into the opening moves, focusing primarily on the Sicilian, Ruy Lopez and Kings Indian but with other openings scattered throughout. This was really good for me because I love these opening lines and often play them in my own games.


After reading through this book I feel like I have only just scratched the surface and I really like that because it makes me want to go through and read it again and really study the ideas over and over until they are firmly cemented in my knowledge. Be prepared though as this will take up many hours of your time because there is an abundance of valuable lessons to be learnt from it!

I would recommend this book to those who have a solid understanding of the game as the ideas can be quite complicated at times and require a good prior knowledge of chess strategy and understanding of algebraic notation.

I give this book 5 stars!

I am looking at adding another book to The Bookshelf soon, so stay tuned for that one.

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