Climb To 2000

My Chess Study 3

Lichess Rapid 2011   Lichess Blitz 1920 Rapid 1969 Blitz 1788

Puzzle Rush Score 45

Daily Study I didn’t do much study today. I did a Survival Puzzle Rush and got stumped on the following puzzle.


I also went through the following game (included in Mammoth Book Of The Worlds Greatest Chess Games).



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My Chess Study 2

Lichess Rapid 2011   Lichess Blitz 1920 Rapid 1969 Blitz 1788

Puzzle Rush Score 38

Daily Study Today I played more bullet games. Here is a game I misplayed in the opening, but I managed to get a simple mate in three.


I watched this Andras Toth video


I went through the following game (included in Mammoth Book Of Chess Games). In the game Zukertort chose not to place the rooks on the only open file and the play was justified. Got me thinking, as I often just play the rook to the open file without thinking.

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My Chess Study 1

A year ago I started documenting a summary of my daily chess study and I posted it here on the blog. After 100 days I stopped, but now I feel the urge to pick it back up again. I am still trying to climb to a rating above 2000 on both Lichess and The title of these posts is going to simply be “My Chess Study” and it is essentially a journal entry of the chess related tasks I did during the day. The aim is to post daily, but I will see how I go.

Lichess Rapid 2011   Lichess Blitz 1920 Rapid 1969 Blitz 1788

Puzzle Rush Score 35

Daily Study Today I played a few bullet games and found myself in the following position.

In the following game on move 13 there is a great move for Black. I saw the idea and went for it, but missed a defensive resource. My opponent missed the move also and resigned shortly after. It just goes to show how careful you have to be.


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A Year Of Chess

It has been a bit over a year since I got back into chess. I have done a fair amount of chess study in that time and I have played a bunch of online games and a few OTB rapid / blitz games.

When I started documenting my chess journey In 2021, I had a blitz rating of 1668 and my Survival Puzzle Rush scores were regularly in the 30s. Now my blitz rating is 1788 and I often get Survival Puzzle Rush scores in the 40-50 range.

I have seen a slight improvement in my chess, even though it feels like the more I learn the less I know.

Over the course of the year I played 1108 bullet games, 494 blitz games and 59 rapid games. I solved 447 puzzles and completed on average 1 Survival Puzzle Rush each day.

I successfully read through How To Reassess Your Chess, Simple Chess and The Power Of Pawns (almost finished this one) as well as half of Fisher’s My 60 Memorable Games.

I started a monthly chess newsletter. I watched a ton of chess events and kept up with chess news. I occasionally posted on Twitter to join in on chess discussions and to connect with other chess players.

I learned how to play the Caro-Kann and the Kings Indian Defense and exclusively played the openings in all of my games.

That is a snapshot of my year. Let’s see what the next 12 months bring.

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