Fabiano Caruana

2022 Tata Steel

The Tata Steel has been won by Magnus Carlsen. There is still one round to go, but Carlsen will get a point (Daniil Dubov will forfeit the last round due to Covid) and that is enough to ensure he gets first place.

He had a great tournament. His game against Fabiano Caruana today was particularly impressive. Check out the game below.

I really enjoyed following the tournament (when I had the time to do so). The chess.com team (Daniel Naroditsky, Robert Hess, Fiona Steill-Antoni) did an amazing job covering the event.

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Day 48

Rating 1850 (Highest Rating)

Puzzle Rush Score 34

Daily Study Today I played and won two blitz games. I continued to work on a chess newsletter. I finally finished watching the U.S. Chess Championships. The playoff was very exciting! Congratulations to Wesley So for winning the tournament and the title.

Here is his rapid win against Fabiano Caruana.

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Day 47

Rating 1833

Puzzle Rush Score 36

Daily Study Today I played one blitz game, I looked over a game played by Kasparov and Karpov from Linares 1992. I also worked on a chess newsletter. More information about that newsletter to come!

The U.S Chess Championship ended in a tie for first place after Fabiano Caruana drew with Sam Shankland in an incredibly exciting game.

That means playoffs! Wesley So, Fabiano Caruana and Samuel Sevian will battle it out. More great chess!

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2021 Sinquefield Cup

Hey everyone,

I have been loving the Sinquefield Cup this year. St Louis Chess Club has excellent broadcasts on YouTube with great commentary. I thought I would post a few of my favourite games so far. Enjoy!

In this game Caruana has a great kingside attack and when the dust settles black simply can’t move any of his pieces.


In this game Dominguez scores a great win by manouvering his pieces so well, with an impressive Qe1 on move 31.

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