Country Teams Tournament – Rounds 3 & 4

In round 3 of the tournament I had my quickest win after an opening error by my opponent who was forced to go down a minor piece. I unfortunately wrote down my annotations incorrectly and could not recreate the game after move 12 but with the advantage of the minor piece it was not long after that I won the game by coordinating my minor pieces well and using my Rook to trap in my opponents Rook and Knight.  So here is the small portion of the game that I recorded correctly. The opening is the Goring Gambit.


In my Round 4 game I opened with the Smith Morra Gambit but it was declined in a way I had not encountered before. I manage to keep a solid position but find it difficult to complicate things for my opponent. I miss the winning opportunity on move 32 and the game continues on to a drawn endgame.

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