Kings Indian Defense

Blitz Game

In this blitz game I get totally creamed. I play the Kings Indian against the 4 pawns attack. I have been unsure what to play against this and I am slowly gaining insight into how to play the line better, learning from my mistakes.

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Day 21

Rating 1800

Puzzle Rush Score 29

I looked at at another Kings Indian game today. I found it hard to find the correct moves and they often felt quite abstract to me. This is an opening that I need to keep working at.

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The Kings Indian

A few Kings Indian examples given in one of the training lessons.





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Day 19

Rating 1796

Puzzle Rush Score 39

Today I played a bit of 2/1 bullet chess and I am hopeless at it. I much prefer longer games and find that I learn more from the longer games too as there are far less blunders.

I played four 5 minute blitz games with an even score and my rating remained the same.

I continued to practice using the Kings Indian Defense in my games and I continued to lose. I did some training on the opening as well.

Here is a nice game where Garry Kasparov wins by wielding the Kings Indian with excellent precision.

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