Local Club

Last week I visited my local chess club. It was good to catch up with a few people I had not seen in a while and to play a few games with actual pieces! I won my first game playing white against the Scandinavian defence. I lost my second game playing the Ruy Lopez with the white pieces. This brings us to my third and final game. I was ready to play something a little different so as black I opened with kings pawn against the Italian game and continued into the Traxler Counter Gambit. Now my knowledge of this opening is still growing and I struggled to find the right moves! I went on to play less then perfect moves that made my position quite unflattering.



This next game is an example of a winning attack in the Traxler Counter Gambit that I found on chessgames.com The game was played in 1955. Blacks two strong Bishops create a bind on the 6th rank, trapping in Whites King.


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