Magnus Carlsen

Day 26

Rating 1821

Puzzle Rush Score 26

Today I analysed a few games from the book “How To Become A Candidate Master”. The book looks over games in the 1800-2000 rating range and gives brief explanations. It is a fairly easy read with some simple ideas to be reminded of.

The Meltwater Chess Championship Finals continued today (round 6) and Magnus Carlsen played an insane game against Anish Giri, letting go of his queen for 3 minor pieces. Do yourself a favour and check out the game below!


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Tal Memorial 2012 Finish

The Tal Memorial has come to an end for another year. The tournament finished a few days ago with Magnus Carlsen taking out first place after beating McShane in the final round. Caruana, who was looking good for the top spot, lost to Aronian in the final round. Nakamura and Radjabov drew their game quickly and that left Magnus out in front by half a point on 5.5 out of 9. It was a great finish for a great tournament!
The following game is the final round game between Carlsen and McShane.
The opening is the Ruy Lopez – delayed exchange variation.

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London Chess Classic

The London Chess Classic has begun. It is a great line up with the 4 top rated players present. Should be a swell tournament. It is a very similar tournament to the Tal Memorial with 5 of the players being involved in both tournaments. One difference with this tournament is that there are only 9 players not 10 allowing each player to have one day free to provide commentary on their opponents matches (I like this idea!). Round 1 has been and gone with draws for everyone except Carlsen verse Howell where Carlsen won with a great game leaving him the leader after the first round.



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