A Look Back On 2023

2023 was a big year for me, but not on the chess front. I started a new job that needed my focus and attention. I had far less down time to enjoy and study chess. I managed to squeeze in a puzzle rush every other day and a few hundred bullet games, but that was it.

I was successful in playing 1.d4 for the whole year, but I don’t feel like I have a good understanding of the middlegame positions I have been finding myself in.

I managed a small amount of reading, but nothing to write home about.

I certainly didn’t manage to achieve the goals I had set for myself. I am hoping throughout 2024 that I might be able to do a little better.

Here is one of the only games I annotated from the year (one that I played right at the start of 2023).

A Look Back On 2023