Petrov Defense

Day 92

Rating 1783

Puzzle Rush Score 40

Daily Study I caught up with round eight of the World Chess Championship and the result was a tough loss for Nepo. I feel his pain. The game looked like a complete draw and it seemed as though Nepo was trying to push for an advantage in a game where he really needed to play solid and take the draw. By overextending and playing a few inaccurate moves (including a major blunder where he dropped a pawn) Carlsen was able to swoop in and win the game. It would be rather incredible if Nepo manages to bounce back and it looks like Carlsen will regain the title once more.

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Day 87

Rating 1775

Puzzle Rush Score 32

Daily Study Today we had another draw with Carlsen leading with e4 and a Petrov Defense. I don’t know much about the Petrov and so I have always avoided it by following up with 3. Nc3 to enter into a Four Knights game. This is a particularly quiet line, but I haven’t yet delved into the world of the Petrov enough to feel confident playing the mainline. The interesting novelty from Carlsen came with the move 18. Nh4, but ultimately it ended up in a draw.



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