
Rapid Game

Here is a rapid game that I have annotated.

I gain an advantage in the game, but make a number of inaccurate moves that lead to unnecessary complications that need to be solved.

One of the themes of the game is my hesitance to play active moves in the position.


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Day 98

Rating 1804

Puzzle Rush Score 43

Daily Study I played a rapid game and then I analysed it. The interesting move to think about was the blunder f3 (that I made) and understanding why the move is not a good choice in such positions.

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Day 71

Rating 1840

Puzzle Rush Score 28

Daily Study Today I played two rapid games and got my highest win on chess.com beating an opponent rated 2037. My opponent opened with 1.c4 which I don’t see too often, but have played against a number of times. The English positions tend to be quite solid. I know that there is the symmetrical variation and there are times when it can transpose into Queens Gambit territory. I played the King’s Indian Defense as I assumed my opponent wanted something positional and I wanted to create tactical chances. It was the right opening choice against this opponent and I managed to create complications and get a really nice position, winning time on the clock. I had calculated everything out and was feeling confident and then when I got to a moment that was winning I forgot to play the move I had prepared five moves earlier and missed my chance to gain a clear advantage. I then went on to blunder a piece and had a clearly losing position, but ended up winning due to the time advantage I had accrued. Here is the game.

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Day 50

Rating 1857 (Highest Rating)

Puzzle Rush Score 41

Daily Study I am feeling very accomplished today.

Today marks my 50th consecutive study day!

I also achieved my highest rating in blitz to date.

I decided to play a bit of rapid as I have not done much rapid on chess.com

My rating is still moving a bit (I have only played 20 rapid games) but I managed to get a win over a 1991 rated opponent to increase my chess.com rapid rating to 2011. This is the first time I have had a rating above 2000! (not counting Lichess)

I am still looking to improve my blitz rating. The climb to 2000 continues!

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