
2021 Aimchess Rapid

Hi all!

The 2021 Aimchess Rapid has been played out over the last week and the champion is Magnus Carlsen. He played exceptionally well in his games, taking what often seemed like even positions, turning them into outright winning positions. Here are a few of his games from the tournament.






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Happy Father’s Day

Today in Australia it is Father’s Day. To celebrate I had a game of chess with my dad. He enjoys playing chess, but is not as strong as me at the game. In our game I didn’t press too hard in the opening and allowed the position to lock up a bit. To finish the game I brought all the pieces in for the attack.

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Back home!

I am back home after being away with my family and enjoying a relaxing camping trip. Before the trip I played in a local teams tournament. I finished with an individual score of 3.5 out of 6 but my team did not score so strongly. I was playing board one for my team as I was the strongest rated player (ACF 1500 – Turns out I did have a rating on records somewhere?!?) I had a really fun time and it was great catching up with some old friends. I played some good games without making too many errors. Surprisingly when I made a mistake, I made a mistake! Losing my Queen in two of the matches I played (Painful!). Over the next couple of weeks I will post some of the games that I played at the tournament.

After the tournament it was great to have some time away and relax! I did however manage to play a few games of chess with my dad. I recorded one of the games we played. This was a Fisher rapid game (25 minutes + 10 seconds per move).

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Rapid Game

Second rapid game against CGK. In this game I open with the Albin Counter Gambit and make a few mistakes in the opening and find myself on the backfoot for the majority of the game. In these quick games there is plenty of opportunity to claw your way back and place pressure on your opponent to make the best moves by hurting them on the clock. This is an example where this is the case.

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