Ruy Lopez

London Chess Classic

The London Chess Classic has begun. It is a great line up with the 4 top rated players present. Should be a swell tournament. It is a very similar tournament to the Tal Memorial with 5 of the players being involved in both tournaments. One difference with this tournament is that there are only 9 players not 10 allowing each player to have one day free to provide commentary on their opponents matches (I like this idea!). Round 1 has been and gone with draws for everyone except Carlsen verse Howell where Carlsen won with a great game leaving him the leader after the first round.



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Chess Traps – Tarrasch Trap

By now most of you will know that I love the Ruy Lopez. I am not sure why it speaks to me the way it does but it is definitely one of my favourite openings.

The following trap occurs in both the Steinitz and Open variation of the Ruy Lopez with both variations being known as the Tarrasch Trap named after Siegbert Tarrasch.

The Tarrasch Trap – Open variation

The Tarrasch Trap – Steinitz variation

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Local Club

Last week I visited my local chess club. It was good to catch up with a few people I had not seen in a while and to play a few games with actual pieces! I won my first game playing white against the Scandinavian defence. I lost my second game playing the Ruy Lopez with the white pieces. This brings us to my third and final game. I was ready to play something a little different so as black I opened with kings pawn against the Italian game and continued into the Traxler Counter Gambit. Now my knowledge of this opening is still growing and I struggled to find the right moves! I went on to play less then perfect moves that made my position quite unflattering.



This next game is an example of a winning attack in the Traxler Counter Gambit that I found on The game was played in 1955. Blacks two strong Bishops create a bind on the 6th rank, trapping in Whites King.


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Chess Traps – Mortimer Trap

The following chess trap can occur in the Berlin defence variation of the Ruy Lopez. This trap involves black purposefully falling behind in development and leaving the e4 pawn vulnerable, tempting the white Knight to capture it. If you play the Ruy Lopez and come up against this be careful not to take the temptation!


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