Sinquefield Cup

More 2021 Sinquefield Cup

The 2021 Sinquefield Cup has finished and the winner of the tournament is Maxime Vachier-Lagrave. He had a great tournament and played really well. I thoroughly enjoyed watching his games and the commentary of the event. Here is one of Maxime’s wins against Jeffery Xiong where he is able to gain a great deal of space as white in the Ruy Lopez. Another defining feature of the game is the control of the h file and if the game were to have continued you would have seen the Rook heading to h7 giving white complete control of the position.

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2021 Sinquefield Cup

Hey everyone,

I have been loving the Sinquefield Cup this year. St Louis Chess Club has excellent broadcasts on YouTube with great commentary. I thought I would post a few of my favourite games so far. Enjoy!

In this game Caruana has a great kingside attack and when the dust settles black simply can’t move any of his pieces.


In this game Dominguez scores a great win by manouvering his pieces so well, with an impressive Qe1 on move 31.

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