By now most of you will know that I love the Ruy Lopez. I am not sure why it speaks to me the way it does but it is definitely one of my favourite openings.
The following trap occurs in both the Steinitz and Open variation of the Ruy Lopez with both variations being known as the Tarrasch Trap named after Siegbert Tarrasch.
The following chess trap can occur in the Berlin defence variation of the Ruy Lopez. This trap involves black purposefully falling behind in development and leaving the e4 pawn vulnerable, tempting the white Knight to capture it. If you play the Ruy Lopez and come up against this be careful not to take the temptation!
The Blackburne Shilling Gambit is an attack that comes from the Italian game. The attack by black is characterised by the third move Nd4. This move goes against the opening principal of moving a piece more then once in the opening.
The opening looks to temp white into taking the now unprotected pawn on e5. However this would be an incorrect move that allows black to have a strong attack. If the pawn is rejected white looks to have the advantage in the game. 0-0 or Nxd4 are both considered strong moves for white.
As a young player I almost always opened with the Italian game and enjoyed moving into the Fried Liver variation as white. I can remember opening with the Italian game as a young player at my local chess club (Adult club) and falling into this exact trap! It is fair to say i have not done so since!
This trap also shows an example of a smothered mate with the help of a piece pinned to the King just like the chess trap from the Caro Kann that has been posted also.