
It Has Been A While Longer!

Hello everyone!

It has been eight years since I last posted on my blog The Chess Page.

Life keeps moving and I have been doing really well. It has been a long time since I dived into the world of chess and I am ready to get back into it! I’ve been enjoying looking back over old games, following tournaments across the globe and just learning more about chess.

So… I am going to start posting again!

This blog basically documents my chess journey. It’s a place for me to post anything chess related and hopefully in the process of doing so, it will provide insights that may help you improve your chess skills too.

To get us back into the swing of things. Here is a blitz game I recently played that highlights the importance of getting your king to safety.

It Has Been A While Longer! Read More »


“I prepare myself well. I know what I can do before I go in. I’m always confident.”
Bobby Fisher


Just a blog about chess.
Looking at the game of chess from the perspective of your casual tournament player.
– Opening, Middle and Endgame
– Traps, Forks and Pins
– Famous Games
– Not so Famous Games
– Chess on the Homefront
– If it’s about chess… it may pop up!



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