My Chess Study 6

Lichess Rapid 2059   Lichess Blitz 1920 Rapid 1969 Blitz 1818

Puzzle Rush Score 43

Daily Study Today I played a rapid game that I was happy with. Not because I played perfectly. I made a number of inaccurate moves and found myself in a bad position. My opponent played well and placed a good amount of pressure on me. I was happy with the fact that I kept on fighting, looking for a way out. Down two pawns I needed to come up with something and I managed to find a nice tactic. On Move 44 I found a move that led to an equal position and a draw.

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My Chess Study 4

Lichess Rapid 2059   Lichess Blitz 1920 Rapid 1969 Blitz 1788

Puzzle Rush Score 40

Daily Study Today I played two rapid games. In the first game my opponent resigned after ten moves and I annotated the second game below.

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My Chess Study 3

Lichess Rapid 2011   Lichess Blitz 1920 Rapid 1969 Blitz 1788

Puzzle Rush Score 45

Daily Study I didn’t do much study today. I did a Survival Puzzle Rush and got stumped on the following puzzle.


I also went through the following game (included in Mammoth Book Of The Worlds Greatest Chess Games).



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My Chess Study 2

Lichess Rapid 2011   Lichess Blitz 1920 Rapid 1969 Blitz 1788

Puzzle Rush Score 38

Daily Study Today I played more bullet games. Here is a game I misplayed in the opening, but I managed to get a simple mate in three.


I watched this Andras Toth video


I went through the following game (included in Mammoth Book Of Chess Games). In the game Zukertort chose not to place the rooks on the only open file and the play was justified. Got me thinking, as I often just play the rook to the open file without thinking.

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