Blitz Game

Here is another Traxler Counter Gambit game I played in a 3 minute blitz tournament on Chesscube.
The game was quickly won after White entered into the 6.Kxf2 variation of the Traxler and then proceeded with 8.Nxh8 allowing Black to attack with the option of numerous different mating combinations.  I have included a few different mating lines to show some possible continuations.


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Country Teams Tournament – Rounds 5 & 6

In Round 5 of the tournament I came up against the Kings Gambit. I am not as well versed in the Kings Gambit as I would like to be but I managed to play a strong opening taking advantage of a few opening mistakes by my opponent to come up with a strong attack. This was my favourite game of the tournament as there were some great attacking opportunities that I really had to think through in order to achieve the win.

In my last round game I was ready to try something aggressive and prepared to play a little risky. I however did more than that and played some very poor moves! For the second time in the tournament I blundered a Queen, but my position was already beginning to become quite weak by this point and it shows the importance of incorporating opening principles and theories into games! The opening is the Caro Kann. The game did not follow the mainline variation and I played some mistakes early in the opening.

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Country Teams Tournament – Rounds 3 & 4

In round 3 of the tournament I had my quickest win after an opening error by my opponent who was forced to go down a minor piece. I unfortunately wrote down my annotations incorrectly and could not recreate the game after move 12 but with the advantage of the minor piece it was not long after that I won the game by coordinating my minor pieces well and using my Rook to trap in my opponents Rook and Knight.  So here is the small portion of the game that I recorded correctly. The opening is the Goring Gambit.


In my Round 4 game I opened with the Smith Morra Gambit but it was declined in a way I had not encountered before. I manage to keep a solid position but find it difficult to complicate things for my opponent. I miss the winning opportunity on move 32 and the game continues on to a drawn endgame.

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Country Teams Tournament – Rounds 1 & 2

“>Heya all!

The following games are my Round 1 and 2 games from the Country Teams Tournament I played in recently. In my first game I played the Queens Gambit Declined. I found myself with a cramped position and an inactive Bishop that placed a lot of pressure on my position. I went down the exchange with the pressure releasing from the position but then made a decisive blunder that lost me the game.

In my second round game I opened with the Ruy Lopez gaining the advantage quite early after an opening error by Black with 3… Bd6. I continued to develop my opening and came up with a strong attack after some inaccurate moves by Black early in the game.

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