Day 100

I have successfully completed 100 days of documented chess study (although I think I have done a few extra days here and there). It has been enjoyable and there has been value in keeping track of my rating and puzzle rush score in order to see the growth (or lack of growth). Overall I am happy with the progress I have made.

Rating 1780

Puzzle Rush Score 47

Daily Study Today I played against my dad in a OTB game. Here is the game and my annotations.

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Day 99

Rating 1804

Puzzle Rush Score 36

Daily Study Today I played an over the board game against my dad. We had a look at the game together and analysed it. I also did a number of puzzles. My puzzle rating is currently sitting at 2652. The following puzzle is the final one I attempted. I was successful in finding the right move. Can you find the best move?


The best move is 1. Qxd7 Kxd7 2. Rxe7+ Kc6 3. Rc7+ winning the queen.

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Day 98

Rating 1804

Puzzle Rush Score 43

Daily Study I played a rapid game and then I analysed it. The interesting move to think about was the blunder f3 (that I made) and understanding why the move is not a good choice in such positions.

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Day 97

Rating 1804

Puzzle Rush Score 39 (I actually did a Lichess Puzzle Streak)

Daily Study Today I played one blitz game to get me back into the 1800s. I have annotated the game and you can check it out below.


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