Day 96

Rating 1797 (1.5 out of 3 today)

Puzzle Rush Score 41

Daily Study Today I spent some more time doing puzzles. I had the Hikaru Nakamura Vs Ding Liren match going while I played far too much bullet…

The good news is even Hikaru Nakamura makes mistakes.




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Day 95

Rating 1797 (had a great day with three wins out of three, but had two disconnects that impacted my rating).

Puzzle Rush Score 41

Daily Study I had a week off study as I was away on holidays. Coming back to study feels great! Today I did a whole heap of puzzles. My puzzle rating is now above 2600. During the week the last two games of the World Chess Championship were played. Magnus Carlsen held onto the world championship title. I had a great time following the event.

Here are the round 10 and 11 games with annotations by Sam Shankland.




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Day 94

Rating 1788

Puzzle Rush Score 39

Daily Study Today Nepo made a one move blunder. I was shocked that he missed a very simple idea (one that stood out to me straight away after looking at the natural c5 push). I don’t know what happened, but I feel for him. What a rough way to lose a game in a championship match.

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Day 93

Rating 1791

Puzzle Rush Score 42

Daily Study I looked through another Fischer game today. Somehow he manages to hold a draw after being completely outplayed in the middle game.

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